Blossomign Fern. FERN#001
Release date: 20. April 2017
Artwork, typography and design: The Epicurean
Playtime: 44:47 min
Blossoming Fern
1 In the Vortex of Dionysian Reality (Nietzsche's Dream) / Le Pont du Diable
2 Turm des Boesen (Die letzte Weisheit)
3 Perfect Dream
4 Terror of Nature
5 In the Vortex of Dionysian Reality II
6 Evangelium der Weltharmonie
7 Perpetual Dawn
8 Suicidal Fantasy (Negation Of Myth II)
9 Like the Streaming of a Giant River, Life is Passing, Without Ever Turning Around
Related to Nietzsche`s notion of the Wagnerian music drama as a revelation of the abysmal truth about man, “In the Vortex of Dionysian Reality” allures us into the Dionysian dreamland, where tragedy reigns, in pursuit of the ultimate oneness. With its washes of noise and layers of piercing feedback on a subbase of wavering synths, it is a maelstrom of sound generating a hallucinatory reality. The atmosphere oscillates between destructiveness and aggravating frenzy, between the archaic and the sacral, between frenzied passion and abyssal melancholy, serving the mythical experience of music in a world where language has failed as a method of communication and music figures as the primordial form of expression.
As he considers humanities to have reached their limit, young Nietzsche hopes to find ultimate spiritualization and idealization in the reborn myth. Music alone (“our German masters”), as the primeval form of poetry and revelation of true Dionysian wisdom, may achieve triumph over the Apollonian shallow world of apparition.
With his timely musical rendition of mythical experience as “In the Vortex of Dionysian Reality”, Anemone Tube conveys an emotionally and mentally charged album which reveals his soft spot for progressive post rock metal acts like Amusement Parks On Fire, Blut Aus Nord or OLD. Their special approach of dreamy melodies vs. atonal, discordant sounds is skillfully recreated through polyphonic synths lines, which are then modulated into feedback and added for good measure.
Carrying the same title as the 2015 cassette EP release on The Epicurean, this CD with its 40+ minutes total length and five all new, yet unreleased tracks is less a mere re-release, but rather a full stand-alone album, featuring Ukrainian dark ambient artist Monocube on one track, as well as including sounds by Russian avantgardists Post Scriptvm and sound processing by French sound artist Pacific 231.
“Anemone Tube has been synonymous with the very highest quality of conceptually hyper charged drone ambient. ‘In the Vortex of Dionysian Reality’ only adds more to this setting high of the bar to new standards of intensity and passionate processing of sound in supremely and astutely philosophical realms.”
(Vital Weekly . May 2017)
“From sound, concept*, and visual presentation, Anemone Tube’s releases are always highly considered affairs. Consequently ‘In The Vortex Of Dionysian Reality’ is far from being any sort of filler release, rather represents some of Anemone Tube’s strongest work to date and yet another demonstration of Stefan Hanser’s ability to create deeply evocative soundscapes built around melodious elements, sculpted field recordings and squalling feedback.”
(Noise Receptor . January 2016)
“Gelungene Neuauflage des 2015 im Tape-Format erschienenen Mini-Albums, angereichert durch zusätzliches Material von 25 Minuten Dauer, welches das ursprüngliche Konzept nicht entstellt, sondern vertieft. Kontemplative Feedback-Noise-Drone-Schwelgereien, die dem Titel alle Ehre machen!”
(Nonpop . April 2017)
“shoegaziges Rauschen und melancholische Schönheit.”
(African Paper . April 2017)
“Maybe the best album of
this year.”
(Cultureelpersbureau . May 2017)
“Cohesive, intriguing, inspiring and worth to be listened for fans of death industrialism, as well as subterranean dark ambient.”
(Igloo Magazine . April 2017)
"... In my year long journey into this genre, I haven’t encountered an album structured quite like this. I’ve encountered albums that have a musical structure that is similar to classical, but none that almost directly mirror a certain style. I’m a huge Wagner fan (how cliché of me, I know) and as Nietzsche and Wagner were at one point in their lives very close friends, I think this album was created with a Wagnerian musical structure and Nietzschean philosophy to be the ultimate blending of the two. Don’t believe, though, that those two masterminds were the only people on the mind of the creator of this vintage. There’s a very post black metal feel as well, despite having no metal to speaking of, black or otherwise. If I were to call it something, and this might be a very, very large stretch that makes me look idiotic, I would call it dronegaze. It’s built with so many different tonal changes and distortions that no matter what you choose to get out of it, musically or aesthetically, you will be able to experience something unique. That’s all we can ask of music right? No matter the genre, if the music experience is unique, then it is worth the price of admission, so to speak. Anemone Tube and the fledgling Blossoming Fern Records putting this album are on the right track. The distillery is open! Drink your fill!”
(Resounding Footsteps . March 2017)